Danielle Szimanski was a project manager and ecologist for the USACE Baltimore District (NAB) with 10 years of experience. She worked in the Navigation Branch, focusing on shallow-draft operations and maintenance (O&M) dredging projects throughout the Chesapeake Bay and Maryland’s Coastal Bays, which have led to island creation, wetland restoration, and small-scale beach renourishment. In addition to her work on shallow-draft dredging projects, she also has experience in oyster restoration projects, sediment sampling analysis studies, and planning studies. Danielle worked on the Swan Island modeling project team, a collaborative multiagency effort to quantify the benefits of the island’s restoration from the Baltimore District’s maintenance dredging project. She also sat on the Baltimore District’s Leadership Development Program (LDP) board of directors, designing, organizing, and teaching the District’s newly revamped program. She left the Corps of Engineers in November 2023.
Engineering With Nature® is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaboration.