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engineering with nature

Engineering With Nature® is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaboration.

“We absolutely want to do more engineering with nature everywhere we work across the Corps, you have my commitment.”
LTG Scott A. Spellmon, 55th Chief of Engineers, and Commanding General U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure, Water Resources & Environment Subcommittee (24 June 2021)
“The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is walking the path of innovation with our partners through the Engineering With Nature Initiative, integrating human engineering with natural systems.”
LTG Scott A. Spellmon, 55th Chief of Engineers, and Commanding General U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Foreword in the International Guidelines on NNBF for Flood Risk Management (16 September 2021)

February 7, 2025

There is a critical need to maintain and create conditions that are conducive for longterm survival of submerged aquatic vegeta...

February 7, 2025

Season 8 Episode 7 was originally released as Season 6 Episode 10 in December 2023. Welcome to Season 8 Episode 7 of the Eng...

February 7, 2025

This study assesses the impacts of five proposed restoration actions at Little Dauphin Island, a low-lying relic spit in a semi...

January 22, 2025

The Engineering With Nature (EWN) Program is pleased to announce the release of a new book, Engineering With Nature: Natural In...

January 17, 2025

The increasing frequency and severity of disturbances to coastal dune ecosystems requires developing and implementing restorati...

January 17, 2025

The Network for Engineering With Nature® (EWN) invites you to the N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series ab...
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The EWN initiative continually seeks opportunities to provide the public with examples of water resources infrastructure that incorporates innovative designs and measures that are consistent with EWN principles. This page highlights many of the EWN designs that have been identified for a variety of different USACE activities.
Engineering With Nature An Atlas, Volume 3
The EWN Atlas series showcase Engineering With Nature principles and practices in action through illustrations and descriptions of constructed projects around the world.
Preserving Coastal Parklands
A collection of reports dedicated to protecting and enhancing the resilience of National Park Service sites along the U.S. coastlines. These reports showcase opportunities to implement nature-based solutions (NbS) that address the growing threats of sea level rise, storm surges, and erosion. Each report highlights projects that use natural features to preserve the unique natural, cultural, and historical resources of coastal parklands.
Proving Grounds
EWN Proving Grounds are USACE districts and divisions committed to the broad integration of EWN principles and practices into all business lines in the form of constructed projects. Proving grounds are places where innovative ideas are tested on the ground, throughout USACE missions. They document processes, project milestones, and lessons learned in the implementation of EWN measures so others can learn from their experience.
The Engineering With Nature Podcast
Listen in as collaborators from local, national and international agencies, private and not-for-profit organizations, and academia discuss ideas and applications of nature-based solutions.
Guidelines for how to approach thin-layer placement projects
A tool for the sustainable management of dredge material that simultaneously maintains navigation channels, sustains wetland ecological function, and provides flood risk management benefits.