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Engineering With Nature


A collection of journal and magazine articles, books, and technical reports featuring Engineering With Nature.

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June 18, 2024
Jeffrey King, Amanda Tritinger, David Bucaro, Monica Chasten, Elizabeth Godsey, Julie Beagle, Katherine Brutsche, and Ram Mohan
The Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC), part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), has been championing a pioneering program called the Engineering With Nature® (EWN®) initiative, which aims to promote the use of nature-based solutions (NBS) for coastal and fluvial flood ri...
May 23, 2024
Alexander B. Gregory, Jared M. Lopes, Krystyna T. Powell, and Safra Altman
Following the Chief of Engineer’s January 2023 goal to expand the beneficial use of dredged material (BUDM), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) strives to apply new and creative ways to increase utilization of dredged materials from a historic 30%–40% to 70% by 2030. As USACE Savannah Distric...
May 15, 2024
Avery B. Paxton, Iris R. Foxfoot, Christina Cutshaw, D'amy N. Steward, Leanne Poussard, Trevor N. Riley, Todd M. Swannack, Candice D. Piercy, Safra Altman, Brandon J. Puckett, Curt D. Storlazzi, and T. Shay Viehman
Shallow, tropical coral reefs face compounding threats from climate change, habitat degradation due to coastal development and pollution, impacts from storms and sea-level rise, and pulse disturbances like blast fishing, mining, dredging, and ship groundings that reduce reef height and complexity...
April 22, 2024
Ellis Kalaidjian, Margaret H. Kurth, John Kucharski, Stephanie Galaitsi, and Elissa Yeates
There is consensus within psychological, physiological, medical, and social science disciplines that active and passive exposure to nature enhances human well-being. Natural infrastructure (NI) includes elements of nature that can deliver these ancillary well-being benefits while serving their in...
April 17, 2024
Ellis Kalaidjian, Margaret H. Kurth, Bari N. Greenfeld, and Matthew A. Smith
Knowledge gaps surrounding natural infrastructure (NI) life cycles and performance thwart widespread implementation of NI in civil works projects. In particular, information about funding or financing the scoping, design, construction, monitoring, and adaptive management of NI projects constitute...
April 15, 2024
Emily Dolatowski (UGA), Burton Suedel (USACE ERDC EL), Jon Calabria (UGA), Matthew Bilskie (UGA), James Byers (UGA), Kelsey Broich (UGA), Kyle McKay (USACE ERDC EL), Amanda Tritinger (USACE EWN), and Brock Woodson (UGA)
Extreme weather variation, natural disasters, and anthropogenic actions negatively impact coastal communities through flooding and erosion. To safeguard coastal settlements, shorelines are frequently reinforced with seawalls and bulkheads. Hardened shorelines, however, result in biodiversity loss...
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