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Molly Reif

Research Geographer, Environmental Laboratory, ERDC


Molly Reif is the Geospatial Data Analysis Team lead in the ERDC Environmental Laboratory and stationed at the Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of Expertise (JALTBCX) on the MS Gulf Coast. Her research focus is on the evaluation and development of spatial analytical methods from airborne and spaceborne remote sensing imagery and lidar for terrestrial and aquatic vegetation and land cover characterization to support a variety of USACE civil works projects and research & development in the environmental, navigation, and flood risk management business lines.

Molly Reif


There is an increasing opportunity and number of EWN® projects seeking support to use remotely sensed data and geospatial methodologies to help qua......
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Molly Reif

Research Projects

Remote sensing is a technology that allows for the observation of physical attributes of the earth using sensing devices such as cameras or infrare......
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