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External Guest

Niels Groot

Dow Environmental Technology Center, Water Subject Matter Expert and HZ University Water Technology Professor


Niels Groot (1955), PhD, is employed at The Dow Chemical Company, located in Terneuzen, the Netherlands. He studied Chemical Technology at Eindhoven University of Technology, receiving a PhD in catalysis in 1984. He started his career in Dow at the R&D department. After fulfilling roles at various production facilities he focused on technology implementation and project management.

As of 2021, he is within the Environmental Technology Center as a specialist on water and wastewater systems supporting plants globally. Over the past decades he was leading different teams to develop and implement a rigorous water management strategy for the Terneuzen site. As of 2011 Niels is apart-time professor in Water Technology at the University of Applied Sciences in Vlissingen, the Netherlands.

Niels Groot


In this presentation you’ll hear from representatives from Dow and The Nature Conservancy on Dow’s commitment to identifying $1B in net present val......
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