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EWN Engagements

Engineering With Nature and Galveston District Collaborative Meeting

Multi-day Event (October 21-
22, 2014)


The USACE Engineering With Nature team conducted a successful “Proving Ground” implementation workshop with Galveston District on 21-22 October. Forty USACE team members collaborated in this effort from Galveston District, Southwest Division, Engineer Research and Development Center, Institute for Water Resources and Headquarters. Galveston and Buffalo Districts have agreed to serve as EWN Proving Grounds for District-wide implementation of the principles and practices of EWN.

Participants shared information about EWN, ongoing projects, and worked in collaborative teams to identify opportunities to implement EWN principles and practices within the Districts current and future projects, including the two Recon studies for the Houston Ship Channel deepening and Coastal Texas. Lessons learned from this workshop will be applied in the Buffalo District Proving Ground Workshop being planned.

Collaborating programs for this EWN effort include:Dredging Operations Environmental Research, Regional Sediment Management, Dredging Operations Technical Support, Ecosystem Management and Restoration Research, and Flood and Coastal.


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