December 2, 2014
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Environmental Laboratory’s (EL) Dr. Thomas Fredette, Research Biologist, was recently presented the first Engineering With Nature (EWN) Leadership Award for his contributions to the EWN program for the last five years. Dr. Fredette was presented with the award by Dr. Todd Bridges, ERDC-EL Senior Research Scientist and EWN Program Manager.
The award was created to recognize outstanding EWN proponents who provide their time and expertise to advance EWN throughout the Corps. The award presentation was made on 2 December 2014 during an EWN workshop that kicked off the Buffalo District’s (LRB) participation as a lead EWN District. LRB has already been actively working on EWN demonstration projects with Dr. Fredette on benthic habitat development at the Cleveland, OH breakwater and common tern nesting habitat development at the Ashtabula, OH breakwater.