The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Philadelphia District hosted an Engineering With Nature (EWN) collaborative meeting on 07-08 June in Philadelphia, PA. A multi-disciplinary team from around the country met to discuss the EWN program, highlight best practices and capture new project ideas for future collaboration. The Philadelphia district as well as the Galveston and Buffalo Districts have committed to being EWN Proving Grounds by incorporating EWN principles and practices across district programs and projects. The two-day workshop featured opening plenary presentations on a number of topics, including coastal resiliency; marsh restoration; natural and nature-based features; habitat enhancement and regional sediment management, and interactive breakout sessions to identify opportunities for applying EWN concepts in their respective areas of responsibility.
The 35 participants included planners, regulators, environmental resources professionals, engineers, project managers, EWN Leadership Team members and ERDC Environmental and Coastal and Hydraulics subject matter experts.