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EWN Engagements

Looking Forward – The Network for Engineering With Nature advisory committee charts course.

Multi-day Event (January 31-
1, 2023)


31 January – 1 February 2023. The Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN) held its first in-person advisory committee meeting hosted by LimnoTech’s Washington, D.C. office. The N-EWN advisory committee consists of two representatives from each partner organization. Part of the work successfully accomplished this week was the adoption of the N-EWN Vision and Mission statement.

After this substantial achievement, the committee spent time determining goals, objectives, and outcomes that will form an action plan to accelerate the implementation of nature-based solutions for the next five years. The tools for progress were sticky notes, markers, timeline posters, and lots of conversation. Learn more at N-EWN.


N-EWN is a network of vested organizations creating a resilient future by integrating conventional and natural infrastructure to improve societal well-being by sustainably delivering more value and benefits to people and ecosystems.


To facilitate the social dynamics of innovation among multi-sector partners in a kind, transparent, and productive space. 

To advance research and practice, shorten the path to innovation, co-produce knowledge, and build the value case for natural infrastructure. 

To mainstream natural infrastructure and bring it to a scale that provides broad societal benefits. 

To provide expertise on the implementation of large-scale, research-informed natural and hybrid infrastructure. 

To empower the next generation of practitioners to align ecological, social, and engineering processes through education and workforce development. 

To inform sound policy that facilitates a resilient future.  

The perfect tools for action planning.

See more pictures and learn more about N-EWN.


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