The Network for Engineering With Nature® (EWN) invites you to the N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series about Engineering with Nature—Quantifying the Multi-Scale Benefits of Natural and Nature-Based Features, with Dr. Todd M. Swannack. This 1-hour Zoom webinar will take place Thursday, January 20, 2022, at 12:30 ET.

Natural and nature-based features (NNBF) provide a diverse suite of benefits to society, including flood risk reduction, socio-economic development, water and food security, and habitat. Unlike traditional structural measures, benefits of NNBF accrue over time due to the inherent dynamism of natural features. Capturing and quantifying the benefits requires a multi-scale approach to benefits analysis. This presentation provides an introduction to multiscale benefits analysis for NNBF to be included in project planning and engineering design.
For previously recorded seminars, please visit the N-EWN Seminars page.