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EWN Engagements

USACE hosted an Engineering With Nature Session as part of the Restore America’s Estuaries 2018 Summit in Long Beach, CA


On December 12, 2018, USACE hosted an Engineering With Nature (EWN) Session titled, “Engineering With Nature (EWN) for Sustainable Estuaries: Collaborating for “Triple-Win” Solutions” as part of the Restore America’s Estuaries 2018 Summit in Long Beach, CA. The EWN Session included a range of topics with a focus on recent EWN activities, coastal projects and emerging EWN research and collaborations that are occurring in estuarine systems. Presentations were offered by a total of six speakers from a diverse set of organizations (e.g., USACE, Auburn University, NOAA, and Ecology & Environment, Inc.) that are applying EWN practices and/or conducting EWN research. Throughout the session, participants were provided information on: EWN practices, technologies and case studies; Integration of EWN science, engineering and education; and EWN updates specific to efforts supporting coastal resilience and estuarine sustainability. The RAE EWN Session outline for the December 12th presentations is included. Likewise, the presentations are also included for your review.

Session Description

Engineering With Nature to Create Sustainable Solutions, Todd Bridges, Senior Scientist, Engineer Research and Development Center, USACE (PDF)

EWN Supports Navigation and System Resilience in Coastal New Jersey and Delaware, Monica Chasten, Philadelphia District, USACE (PDF)

Adopting an EWN Approach for Projects along the Texas Coast and Gulf of Mexico, Georganna B. Collins, Ecology & Environment, Inc. (PDF)

Using EWN Techniques to Restore Tidal Salt Marshes in Subsided Former Baylands Presentation Description, Elizabeth Murray, Engineer Research and Development Center, USACE (PDF)

“Triple Win” Success for Coastal Projects using EWN and Landscape Architecture, Rob Holmes, Auburn University (PDF)

EWN Collaborations Achieve Mutually Desirable Outcomes for USACE and NOAA, Cathy Tortorici, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA (PDF)

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Point of Contact

National Lead, USACE EWN Program


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