We have a neat opportunity to feature USACE Engineering With Nature in a PBS’ NOVA series funded by the National Science Foundation. “Built World” is a 3-hour series exploring engineering. Each hour is a stand-alone episode that will consists of 3-5 stories per hour. The 3 episodes will focus on altering the environment, extending our reach and amplifying our senses. They are interested in not only featuring engineers but also those who work with engineers throughout the engineering process. They want to explore the whole process from conceptualization and R&D to moving towards prototype and iteration to launch and evaluating successes and failures along the way. They would like to see the entire engineering process with a key focus on collaboration, showing the iterative processes and displaying the diversity of engineers.
Their window for filming began June 1, 2023, and runs through March 31, 2024.
Please share any in-progress projects that demonstrate EWN Principles:
Engineering With Nature® is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and effectively deliver economic, ecological, and social benefits through collaboration.