Betsy Witt is a Remediation Leader in Dow’s Environmental Remediation and Restoration Group (ER&R). She has responsibility for the Operation, Maintenance and Monitoring activities at sites in Michigan and across the mid-west. In her role, Betsy is responsible for managing environmental liabilities at both active and legacy sites. She defines the management strategies and works with service providers to identify opportunities for technical enhancement to maintain compliance and accelerate advancement of sites toward closure. Betsy is charter member of the Nature Based Remediation Team, whose initiative is to transform Dow’s remediation strategy to apply nature systems as a preferred solution. In addition to her role in ER&R, Betsy is a co-leader of Dow’s 2025 Valuing Nature Goal which has recognized greater than$400MM in value through business-driven projects that reduce environmental impacts since 2015. As a co-leader of the goal Betsy is involved in internal and external communications, work process alignment, and project consulting.
Engineering With Nature® is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaboration.