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Brian Harris

Research Civil Engineer, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, ERDC


Dr. Brian Harris is a Research Civil Engineer with ERDC’s Coastal and Hydraulics Lab (CHL) in the Coastal Engineering Branch (CEB) with expertise in coastal geotechnical engineering. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Christian Brothers University in 2016 and his Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering with a concentration in Geotechnical Engineering from Louisiana State University in 2020 where his dissertation focused on the design, construction, and performance of natural coastal infrastructure.

Research interests include the geotechnical design, construction, performance, and monitoring techniques of Natural and Nature Based Features (wetlands, headlands, mangroves, islands) and the beneficial use of dredged material (BUDM).

Brian Harris

Research Projects

This project will refine remote sensing techniques to monitor morphological and ecological trends of beneficial use of dredged material (BUDM) site......
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