I am the new Coastal Ecologist for the NPS Northeast Region and have broad interests in coastal issues, ranging from wildlife and fisheries populations to coastal habitat restoration, water quality impact mitigation, environmental education, and developing/helping to implement effective, pro-active adaptation strategies for the coastal national parks in the face of climate change and sea level rise.
As an Affiliate with the University of Rhode Island, I anticipate teaching a biennial class on a topic related to coastal ecology and serving on graduate committees there. I hope to collaborate with researchers from the University and other partners to further the advancement of science with direct management applicability to coastal natural resources and communities. I am also a firm believer in the power of environmental education to engage communities and affect policy, and hope to continue to contribute to local education and outreach efforts for all ages.
Engineering With Nature® is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and effectively deliver economic, ecological, and social benefits through collaboration.