Dave Crane is an Environmental Resources Specialist in the Omaha District (NWO). He has 14 years of experience leading multidisciplinary, multiagency teams to plan, design, and oversee construction of projects with mutual ecosystem and flood risk management (FRM) benefits. He specializes in projects on large rivers across the Midwest, including the Missouri River and South Platte River. He has extensive experience working with the Missouri River Recovery Program, implementing habitat restoration projects while accommodating FRM and critical infrastructure. Dave has served as the environmental lead on multiple large-scale levee setbacks along the Missouri River, reconnecting thousands of acres of floodplain habitat and constructing of over 1,000 acres of “borrow-pit wetlands” on state and federal conservation land. He has found that the ecosystem benefits of a project can bring significant partnership opportunities that would not have been possible otherwise.
EWN Motivation: “I want to share how to accommodate ecosystem restoration while building for flood risk management and other USACE missions, and vice versa. I aim to help USACE staff understand who to partner with and how to organize complicated, multiagency teams into well-oiled machines.”
Engineering With Nature® is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaboration.