Elizabeth Godsey is the technical lead for Coastal Engineering and Regional Sediment Management for the USACE Mobile District (SAM). She has over 19 years of experience within USACE, providing diverse civil, military, and interagency coastal planning and engineering services. Much of her experience comes from leading the coastal engineering design services for the District’s Coastal Resiliency Program, which currently directs one of the largest authorized system-wide coastal storm risk management programs in USACE. Elizabeth has contributed to large-scale regional sediment-management strategies and restoration of several coastal barrier islands along the northern Gulf of Mexico. With the Mississippi Coastal Improvements Program, she works with a broad multiagency team to integrate nonstructural solutions, such as voluntary buyouts in high risk areas, and use of natural features, such as marshes and barrier islands, in the system-wide strategy for risk reduction.
EWN Motivation: “I desire to build upon the successes we had in the Northern Gulf of Mexico to broaden the application of EWN and systems across the USACE enterprise. I have seen firsthand the high cost of constructing and maintaining vast assets of traditional gray infrastructure, as well as the increasing vulnerabilities resulting from climate change. I see the need to incorporate solutions that reduce life-cycle costs and provide for broader national economic, environmental, and social benefits.”
Engineering With Nature® is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaboration.