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Nia Hurst

Research Biologist, Environmental Laboratory, ERDC


Nia Hurst is a Research Biologist in the Wetlands and Coastal Ecology Branch at the USACE-ERDC. Utilizing Engineering With Nature principles, her research broadly focuses on using wetland restoration, creation, and management to develop applied solutions to emerging environmental problems. With a background in wetland biogeochemistry, her research employs soil biogeochemical and microbial techniques in field, laboratory, and greenhouse studies to inform EWN project outcomes. Nia earned an M.S. in Oceanography and Coastal Sciences from Louisiana State University in 2016 and a B.S. in Environmental Science from DePaul University in 2014.

Nia Hurst


The Network for Engineering With Nature® (EWN) invites you to the N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series about Engineering with......
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Nia Hurst

Research Projects

Wetlands provide a variety of valuable ecosystem services such as storm surge reduction, floodwater attenuation, and water quality improvement. Eng......
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