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Dr. Todd M. Swannack

Integrated Ecological Modeling, Environmental Laboratory, ERDC


Dr. Todd Swannack serves as the lead for the Integrated Ecological Modeling Team, which develops and applies coupled ecological and engineering models for the EWN initiative. His EWN-related research explores the roles of coupling ecological and physical process to predict environmental response to EWN-related projects. In addition to his modeling research, he is involved in developing engineering guidance for the design and application of natural-nature based features (NNBF).

Dr. Todd M. Swannack


The Network for Engineering With Nature® (EWN) invites you to the N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series about Engineering with Natu......
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Dr. Todd M. Swannack

Research Projects

When choosing between different projects, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is required to assess multiple alternative plans and select the al......
Objective/Background This project will describe the evaluation methods for the benefits of natural infrastructure projects conducted by the US A......
This project will develop a modeling tool and guidance documents for forecasting long term coral reef dynamics as a Natural and Nature Based Featur......
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