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Beneficial Use of Dredged Material for Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Habitats: Overcoming Challenges and Seeking New Opportunities

There is a critical need to maintain and create conditions that are conducive for longterm survival of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitats, which provide multiple ecosystem services, using dredged material. This technical note (TN) was developed by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)–Environmental Laboratory (EL) to address the specific challenges US Army […]

Potential Engineering With Nature® Features to be Incorporated at Woodtick Peninsula

Woodtick Peninsula is a barrier peninsula in western Lake Erie where restoration activities are being planned to combat erosion of the peninsula wetlands through placement of dredged material. As part of the restoration effort, design of an artificial reef is currently underway to function as a breakwater, preventing erosion of the fine-grained material being hydraulically […]

Preserving Coastal Parklands: Assateague Island National Seashore

This report covers findings from the second year of the Preserving Coastal Parklands project, funded by a Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units grant through the US Army Corps of Engineers Engineering With Nature program. This research was done in cooperation with Assateague Island National Seashore. Partners

Preserving Coastal Parklands: Colonial National Historic Parkway

This report covers findings from the first year of the Preserving Coastal Parklands project, funded by a Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Units grant through the US Army Corps of Engineers Engineering With Nature program. This research was done in cooperation with Colonial National Historical Park. Partners

Site Characterization of a Restored Coastal Dune and Beach

Coastal beach and dune ecosystems are critically important for shoreline protection and significant resources have been allocated to their conservation. Dune vegetation is known to modify site response to wind, waves, and storms, but little focus has been given to understanding how belowground sediment structures enhance dune stability. A first step in addressing this knowledge […]