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EWN Publications

Conservation Actions Along Interior Rivers of the United States – Contributions to the Recovery of the Interior Population of Least Tern

Richard A. Fischer, Casey A. Lott and Paul Hartfield
December 31, 2014

About This Publication

Journal of Dredging

In the December 2014 issue of the Journal of Dredging, an Engineering With Nature (EWN) related article is featured beginning on page 1. The article is titled “Conservation Actions along Interior Rivers of the United States – Contributions to the Recovery of the Interior Population of Least Tern” and is authored by Dr. Richard Fischer (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Mr. Casey Lott (American Bird Conservancy) and Mr. Paul Hartfield (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service). The Journal of Dredging is published by the Western Dredging Association to provide dissemination of technical and project information on dredging engineering topics.