Terra et Aqua
In the September 2015 issue of Terra et Aqua, the Engineering With Nature (EWN) Action Project is featured on page 26. The article is titled “Creating Horseshoe Bend Island, Atchafalaya River, Louisiana”. The Horseshoe Bend Island, Atchafalaya River project is led by Dr. Burton Suedel of the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). Team members are Dr. Jacob Berkowitz, Dr. Sung-Chan Kim, Dr. Nathan Beane, Ms. Elizabeth Summers, Mr. Darrell Evans (all of ERDC) and Mr. Jeff Corbino of the U.S. Army New Orleans District. Terra et Aqua, the official quarterly publication of International Association of Dredging Companies seeks to present dredging related papers on important scientific and state-of-the-art subjects. Terra et Aqua is distributed to more than 10,000 readers world-wide.