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EWN Publications

Ecological Survey of a Dredged Material-Supported Wetland in the Atchafalaya River, Louisiana: An Engineering With Nature Case Study

Jacob F. Berkowitz, Nathan R. Beane, Darrell E. Evans, Burton Suedel and Jeffrey M. Corbino
March 31, 2015

About This Publication

Wetland Science and Practice

In the March 2015 issue (Vol. 32/No. 1) of Wetland Science and Practice, an Engineering With Nature (EWN) Action Project is featured beginning on page 14. The article is titled “Ecological Survey of a Dredged Material-supported Wetland in the Atchafalaya River, Louisiana:An Engineering With Nature Case Study”. The project team includes Dr. Burton Suedel, Dr. Jacob Berkowitz, Dr. Nathan Beane, Mr. Darrell Evans (all of U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Environmental Laboratory) and Mr. Jeff Corbino of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New Orleans District. Wetland Science and Practice is the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) quarterly publication aimed at providing information on select SWS activities, brief summary articles on ongoing or recently completed wetland research, restoration, or management projects and highlights of current events.