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EWN Publications

Nature-Based Solutions for MacDill AirForce Base

Luce Bassetti, Jason Bird, Christine Crespo, Rick Gorsira, Tom Leigh, Hollie Janson Schmidt, Cinamon Vann, Brett Wylie, Tia Yang, Kira Zender, Jennifer Loofbourrow (graphic designer)
February 27, 2024

About This Publication

The Department of Defense recognizes natural hazards and their impacts on mission resilience and readiness. Hosted by Engineering With Nature (EWN®), a workshop in July 2023 explored threats at MacDill AFB, focusing on erosion, flooding, sea-level rise, and wildfire. Agency experts presented case studies with nature-based solutions, including shoreline enhancement, beneficial use of dredged material, stormwater treatment improvements, native plant revegetation, and invasive plant removal. These solutions aim to dissipate wave energy, reduce erosion, improve water quality, and enhance overall resilience to natural hazards.