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EWN Publications

Terra et Aqua article: How can the Dredging Sector Join the Global Shirt towards Sustainability?

Dr. Todd Bridges
March 31, 2018

About This Publication

Terra et Aqua

Three guiding principles are set forth to guide the sustainable development of marine infrastructure projects. For marine infrastructure projects, the importance of vision and value creation, adapting projects to nature from the onset, and viewing a project and its impacts over the long term are key to success. The insights presented in Dredging for Sustainable Infrastructure result from a wealth of up-to-date knowledge pooled by a team of practicing industry experts. Written by professionals, the publication’s information has been moderated by and Editorial Board. Chaired by Polite Laboyrie from Witteveen + Bos and the Central Dredging Association (CEDA), the board includes Stefan Aarninkhof from Boskalis and Delft University of Technology, Mark van Koningsveld from Van Oord, Marcel Van Parys from Jan De Nul, Mark Lee from HR Wallingford, Anders Jensen from DHI, Anna Csiti from CEDA and Rene Kolman from the International Association of Dredging Companies (IADC). The principles and case study set forth in this article are foundational concepts in the publication and were authored by Todd Bridges from the US Army Corps of Engineers.