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S2 Extra: What’s Coming Up in EWN?

Air Date: March 31, 2021

About This Episode

USACE and iContact Productions

In our next episode, we’ll be talking with Enda Murphy of the National Research Council of Canada and Sam Whitin of EA Engineering, Science and Technology about Building Resilience in Cold Regions with EWN and Natural and Nature-based Features. And Jeff King, Deputy Lead of the Engineering With Nature program at the US Army Corps of Engineers, invites listeners to participate in the launch of the Engineering With Nature Atlas Volume II on April 7.

Jeff King, Deputy Lead of the Engineering With Nature® program at the US Army Corps of Engineers, invites listeners to participate in the launch of the Engineering With Nature Atlas Volume II on April 7. Click the Atlas II website link to sign up for the launch webcast and panel discussion.

Sun appearing on the horizon in Artic Region of Alaska.

Episode Guests

National Lead, USACE EWN Program

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