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January 10, 2022

EWN 2022: Reflecting and Anticipating

Thanks to many contributors, 2021 was a year of incredible advancement for Engineering With Nature. A few favorite highlights for reflection and to bookmark for future use:

Publication of the EWN Atlas Volume 2, this new edition to the EWN Atlas Series showcases EWN principles and practices in action through illustrations and descriptions of 62 projects worldwide.

Testimony before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on the role of Natural and Nature-Based Features for Water Resources Projects

EWN On the Road Heartland Tour, a collection of pictures and videos documenting Dr. Bridges’ summer trip across the Heartland to include thoughtful reflections on the mutual influence of people and nature on one another with a look towards future possibilities of Engineering With Nature

On the path to engineering with nature in Fort Collins.
The restored confluence of the Clark Fork and Blackfoot Rivers and the created park.
View of the dunes from the south, coming into the park.
Penultimate EWN stop on the Mississippi River with a view of the river and bridge at sunset
Penultimate EWN stop on the Mississippi River.

Publication of EWN for Department of Defense Installations, following the format of the EWN Atlas Series, this book was designed to support the DoD and its partners. It features images of projects utilizing natural infrastructure for improved readiness and resilience on installations.

Publication of The International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features (NNBF) for Flood Risk Management, the Guidelines were collaboratively written and informed by international experience to provide technical information on conceptualizing, planning, designing, engineering, operating, and maintaining NNBF as a part of flood risk management systems.

St. Louis District

The addition of four new EWN Proving Grounds: Mobile District, St. Louis District, San Francisco District, and South Pacific Division; proving grounds test innovative ideas across USACE missions.

An expanded EWN R&D portfolio in conjunction with industry and academia through the Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN)

The continuation of the EWN Podcast with Season 3, Creating the Future. Episode 6, available January 19, discusses the importance of connecting people with nature through parks and refuges.

December kicked off the EWN Implementation Cadre, a community of USACE practitioners sharing knowledge, experience, and ideas to expand the USACE’s ability to deliver projects that integrate nature and human engineering.

2021 set a high bar, but with an ever-expanding community committed to aligning human purposes and natural processes for increased benefit, the 2022 forecast is beaming!


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