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EWN Publications

Ashtabula Breakwater Common Tern (Sterna Hirundo) Nesting

Thomas J. Fredette, Richard J. Ruby, Paul Bijhouwer, Burton C. Suedel, Michael Guilfoyle, Marleen Kromer and Karen Adair
May 31, 2016

About This Publication

EWN Technical Note

This document summarizes the design features used to create a nesting area for the Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) that was incorporated as part of the maintenance repairs to the harbor breakwater located in Ashtabula, OH. The purpose of the tern nesting project was to demonstrate an option that can be used during such maintenance activities for increasing infrastructure benefits. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Dredging Operations and Environmental Research Program sponsored the development of the nesting habitat site. The project was developed in consultation with the The Nature Conservancy and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Research Projects

The Ashtabula breakwater tern nesting demonstration project assesses whether suitable habitat can be created on the harbor breakwater by making simple, low cost modifications to the concrete blocks used to repair the ...