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A Review of Innovative Technologies for Erosion and Flooding Protection

Roughly 40% of the United States population lives in coastal counties [1] that are vulnerable to erosion and flooding due to sea level rise and coastal storms. Many different types of coastal protection methods have been deployed in these areas to help protect communities from the impacts of sea level rise and storms. These protection […]

Wrackcycling Research in Mobile District Leverages Natural Materials and Natural Processes

A recent article by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center features EWN research on wrackcycling to build stronger dune systems. “Wrack” is the term for seaweed, driftwood, and other organic materials produced by coastal ecosystems that wash ashore on the beach. EWN Researchers are partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Mobile District […]

EWN Researchers Conduct Full-Scale Investigation to Characterize Dune Geophysical Properties

Dunes are one of many natural features that provide a critical line of defense from coastal storms while also providing habitat and often recreation possibilities. This research project is characterizing the diverse range of geomorphic and geotechnical properties associated with natural, restored, and highly engineered dunes in Northeast Florida. The 5-site field study conducted in […]

Bioengineering Field Site Reconnaissance

Location: Kiefer Creek, La Barque Creek, and Huzzah Creek, Missouri Developing a comprehensive understanding of natural and nature-based features (NNBF) and applications is crucial for the USACE Civil Works project portfolio. To support this aim, EWN researcher Chris Haring in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy (TNC), private landowners, Washington University, Missouri Parks, and the Missouri […]

EWN Research Featured in DredgeWire: Reassessing 40-Year-Old Beneficial Use Projects

Recent completed research conducted by EWN researchers was featured in the online publication, DredgeWire. The article, titled “Scientists Reassess 40-year-old Dredged Sediment Beneficial Use Projects,” explores the long-term impact and effectiveness of pioneering projects and their alignment with the Engineering With Nature (EWN) initiative. The article highlights the groundbreaking work led by Mary Landin and […]

NPR Mentions the Role of Engineering With Nature in Addressing Flooding Risks in California

An NPR article shed light on the pressing issue of flooding in California, discussing how Engineering With Nature® principles are playing a vital role in mitigating the risks. The state has been grappling with complex and compounding factors, including record-breaking precipitation, aging flood infrastructure, and development encroaching on natural floodplains. The article emphasized the Engineering […]

Federal Construction: Holding the Line

US Army Corps of Engineers heads natural solutions for coastal flooding in New York and New Jersey Read the article by Dr. JoAnne Castagna, Ed.D. Learn how USACE is using nature-based solutions (NBS) informed by The International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management in the New York District—TheFire Island Inlet to […]