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EWN Engagements

EWN Initiative Hosts Three Sessions during American Shore & Beach Preservation (ASBPA) Association Meeting


On November 1, 2018, USACE hosted three EWN Sessions as part of the ASBPA’s 2018 National Coastal Conference in Galveston, Texas. The three EWN Sessions included a range of topics with a focus on recent EWN activities, coastal projects and emerging EWN research. Presentations were offered by a total of 12 speakers from a diverse set of organizations that are applying EWN practices and/or conducting EWN research. Throughout the sessions, participants were provided information on: EWN practices, technologies and case studies; Integration of EWN science, engineering and education; and EWN updates specific to efforts supporting coastal resilience and development of the International Natural and Nature-Based Features (NNBF) Guidelines. The ASBPA agenda for November 1st EWN presentations is included. Likewise, the presentations are also included for your review.

ASBPA Conference


Session 1: EWN Introduction and Example Case Studies

0800-0820 Introduction to Engineering With Nature – Todd Bridges, USACE Engineer Research & Development Center (PDF)

0820-0840 Constructing Islands with Dredged Sediment – Danielle Szimanski, USACE Baltimore District (PDF)

0840-0900 Engineering With Nature to Support System Resilience: Examples of Innovative Channel Dredging and Placement in Coastal New Jersey – Monica Chasten, USACE Philadelphia District (PDF)

0900-0920 Tapping the Ingenuity of Students to Design a Resilient Texas Coast – Kelly Burks-Copes, USACE Galveston District (PDF)

Session II: Combining Science, Engineering and Education

0940-1000 Scientific framework for EWN and Related Research – Rusty Feagin, Texas A&M University (PDF)

1000-1020 Alternative Stable States in Coastal Ecosystems, Tipping Points and the Cost of Doing Nothing – Orencio Duran Vinent, Texas A&M University (PDF)

1020-1040 EWN in Action: Application of Vegetation and Natural Materials – Tosin Sekoni, USACE Engineer Research & Development Center (PDF)

1040-1100 Strategic Placement of Dredged Sediments to Support EWN Objectives – Joseph Gailani, USACE Engineer Research & Development Center (PDF)

Session III: EWN Considerations for Coastal Resilience, NNBF Guidelines, and the Natural Infrastructure Initiative

1110-1130 Approach to Coastline Management and Resilience Using EWN – Ram Mohan, Anchor QEA LLC & Texas A&M University (PDF)

1130-1150 Natural Infrastructure Initiative: Identifying Collaborative Opportunities for Natural Infrastructure and Nature Based Features – Safra Altman, USACE Engineer Research & Development Center (PDF)

1150-1210 Natural and Nature-Based Features (NNBF) Planning and Development Framework – Jonathan Simm, HR Wallingford (PDF)

1210-1230 Using a Systems Approach in the Planning and Implementation of Natural and Nature-Based Features – Denise Reed, University of New Orleans (PDF)

Point of Contact

National Lead, USACE EWN Program


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