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EWN Engagements

N-EWN Seminar: Blue Carbon Storage Potential in USACE Beneficial Use Projects


The Network for Engineering With Nature® (EWN) invites you to the N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series about Engineering with Nature—Blue Carbon Storage Potential in USACE Beneficial Use Projects, with Nia Hurst and Dr. Jacob Berkowitz. This 1-hour Zoom webinar will take place Thursday, April 20, 2023, at 12:30pm ET. 

Dr. Jacob Berkowitz
Nia Hurst
Nia Hurst

Guest Speakers

Nia Hurst, Research Biologist, and Dr. Jacob Berkowitz, Senior Research Soil Scientist, from the Engineering Research and Development Center’s Environmental Laboratory will talk about how coastal ecosystems play an important role in climate regulation via carbon (C) sequestration and storage.

Wetlands provide a variety of valuable ecosystem services such as storm surge reduction, floodwater attenuation, and water quality improvement. Additionally, coastal ecosystems play an important role in global climate regulation via carbon (C) sequestration and storage. “Blue Carbon” is defined as C stored in coastal environments such as tidal marshes, mangroves, and seagrass meadows. Coastal ecosystems play a significant role in climate regulation because they store a disproportionately large amount of C relative to their area and are naturally resilient to perturbations, providing a capacity to both mitigate and adapt to climate change. In fact, wetlands, mangroves, and seagrasses store carbon 10x faster than mature tropical forests such as the Amazon. Engineering With Nature (EWN) projects that beneficially use dredged sediment have the potential to improve Blue Carbon storage through the 1) restoration and creation of coastal landforms and 2) formation of mineral associated organic matter (MAOM), which is protected from chemical and physical degradation, resulting in long-term C storage. Partnering with the University of Central Florida, NOAA, and four USACE districts (Mobile, Baltimore, Detroit, and San Francisco), study sites are being evaluated to assess C dynamics in dredged sediment beneficial use projects to document C stocks and the capacity of dredged sediments to “protect” and store C. Results will help estimate the C value and positive climate regulation outcomes of USACE beneficial use projects and increase our capacity to maximize C sequestration and storage through the design, implementation, and adaptive management of future EWN initiatives.

For previously recorded seminars, please visit the N-EWN Seminars page.

Related Research

Blue carbon is carbon captured in the world’s ocean and coastal systems. Carbon cycling from the ocean or earth and i...

Point of Contact

Research Soil Scientist, Environmental Laboratory, ERDC

Research Biologist, Environmental Laboratory, ERDC


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