The Network for Engineering With Nature® (EWN) invites you to the N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education Series about Engineering with Nature—The Cold Region Frontiers of Engineering With Nature, with Lauren Bosche. This 1-hour Zoom webinar will take place Thursday, March 16, 2023, at 12:30 ET.

Lauren Bosche is a Research Physical Scientist with the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL). She works with the Cold Regions work unit in the Engineering With Nature program. Ms. Bosche was an Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) Research Participant with CRREL for a year before joining CRREL’s Biogeochemical Sciences Branch in 2022. Lauren works in the management, analysis, and visualization of geospatial data and is interested in the use of remote sensing in environmental characterization.
When you think of Engineering With Nature, you may picture a beach nourishment project along the Gulf Coast, or a dredged material project exploring beneficial use of the material on the Mississippi River. But EWN in cold regions – above the Arctic Circle? Maybe it is still hard to picture that.
Yet there are significant, growing environmental risks to communities in cold regions and the Arctic, especially as climate change contributes to permafrost thaw, reductions in sea ice, and some of the fastest coastal erosion on earth. There are significant opportunities here too– such as working with Indigenous communities to preserve history and culture and conducting research to successfully navigate challenges of data scarcity and work conditions in remote environments.
The new EWN Cold Regions work unit is a diverse project team that is working closely with communities to explore applying EWN approaches in these unique frontiers. This webinar will introduce two pilot projects in the Cold Regions work unit: Point Hope in Alaska and St. Croix Island in Maine. Lauren will share progress made in site characterization and identifying sustainable and resilient solutions and the team’s vision for next steps in Cold Regions EWN.
For previously recorded seminars, please visit the N-EWN Seminars page.