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July 19, 2024

Nature-Based Solutions Initiatives Featured at the Western Dredging Association Summit 2024

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The Western Dredging Association (WEDA) 2024 Dredging Summit and Expo, held in Tampa, Florida, from 25-27 June 2024, was a significant platform for promoting Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) in the dredging industry. The USACE Engineering With Nature (EWN) Program played a pivotal role in the event, showcasing its commitment to sustainable engineering and environmental stewardship.

On the first day of the Expo, EWN National Lead Jeff King (ERDC Environmental Laboratory [EL]) led a panel discussion that set the tone for the event, emphasizing the importance of integrating NBS into dredging projects. The panel was titled “USACE EWN Proving Grounds – A Review of the Process, Achievements, and Lessons Learned”. Jeff King’s leadership and expertise highlighted the potential of NBS to enhance environmental and economic outcomes.

Jeff King (ERDC EL) leading a panel on Day 1 of the WEDA Expo “USACE EWN Proving Grounds – A Review of the Process, Achievements, and Lessons Learned”.

The technical program included multiple EWN-related sessions, including:

  • EWN/Beneficial Use Case studies chaired by Andrew McQueen (EL) featuring presentations by ERDC researchers Zachary Tyler (Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory [CHL]), Jennifer Miller (EL) and Andrew McQueen
  • EWN/Dredge Technology Research chaired by Amanda Tritinger (CHL) featuring presentations by Candice Piercy (EL), David Perkey (CHL), and Don Hayes (ERCD, retired)
  • A panel titled “Piloting and Evaluating EWN and Beneficial Use of Dredged Materials at Military Installations and Other Sites in the Southeast” chaired by Jeff King
  • The WEDA Environmental Committee hosted a panel titled “Sustainability in Dredging”. Panelists included Jennifer Miller (EL) and Todd Bridges (EL, retired).
Andrew McQueen (ERDC EL) chaired panel “EWN Beneficial Use Case Studies”.
Candice Piercy (ERDC EL) presenting as a panel participant on “EWN/Dredge Technology Research”.
David Perkey (ERDC CHL) presenting on the “EWN/Dredge Technology Research” panel.

Another highlight of the Expo was the recognition of USACE teammates Katherine Brutsche (HQ), Al Kennedy (EL), and Daniel Farrar (EL), who along with teammates, received the WEDA Best Paper Award for inspiring dredging innovations through research and development. This award underscores the significant contributions of USACE in advancing sustainable dredging practices.

Award recipients for the WEDA Best Paper Award.

Following the Expo, the USACE EWN Program, in collaboration with Anchor QEA and the University of Georgia, hosted a Nature-Based Solutions Engineering and Construction short course.  The course featured an exceptional lineup of instructors, including Jeff King, Amanda Tritinger, and Candice Piercy from ERDC, Julie Beagle (USACE San Francisco District [SPN]), Elizabeth Godsey, Monica Chasten, and Eddie Brauer (USACE St. Louis District [MVS]) from USACE Districts who serve as the Engineering With Nature (EWN) Practice Leads.

Thirty participants from government agencies, the private sector, non-profits, and academia participated in the short course.  Amanda Tritinger remarked, “The diversity in the short course at WEDA on Nature-Based Solutions was refreshing.  One of the best parts was the engaging dialogues between researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals, which provided fascinating perspectives on the synergy between R&D and field implementation.  During these discussions, I got the feeling that we were progressing the practice of NBS creation through the use of Beneficial Use of Dredged Material (BUDM), and that innovation in design is possible through collaboration and conversation”.

The WEDA 2024 Dredging Summit and Expo, along with the Nature-Based Solutions short course, provided and outstanding venue to advance sustainable engineering practices and foster meaningful collaborations. These efforts are crucial in promoting the adoption of NBS and enhancing the resilience and ecological health of our coastal and inland waterways.

Other participants and contributors included Ram Mohan (Texas A&M University), Jeff King (ERDC EL), Jennifer Miller (ERDC EL), Monica Chasten (NAP), Elizabeth Godsey (SAM), Julie Beagle (SPN), and Katie Brutsche (USACE HQ).


Other participants and contributors included

  • Chuck Theiling (EL) presented Beneficial Use Ecosystem Goods and Services (BUGS) Tool
  • Jennifer Miller (EL) presented on behalf of Justin Wilkens Improving Turbidity Monitoring Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Near Dredging in Coastal Louisiana
  • Rachel Bain (CHL) presented Improving the Accuracy of Navigation Channel Maintenance Forecasts Using Automated Dredge Monitoring, co-authors include Kaitlyn McPherran (CHL), Michael Hartman (CHL), Anna Godfrey (CHL), and Ned Mitchell (CHL)
  • Clay Caldwell (CHL), Magdalena Asborno (CHL), and Ben Emery (CHL) contributed Dredged Material Classification Using Unsupervised Machine Learning
  • Jennifer Miller(EL), David Moore (EL), Karen Keil (EL), and Burton Suedel (EL) were coauthors of Increasing Beneficial Use Opportunities: Sustainable Contaminated Sediment Reuse

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