Safra Altman serves as the lead for the ERDC Environmental Laboratory’s Coastal Ecology team. The team uses creative scientific approaches and quantitative methods to develop tools for environmental restoration, environmentally sound dredging practices and use of dredged material, dune management, and management of threatened and endangered species. Dr. Altman has helped to develop landscape ecology models that incorporate habitat changes, landscape level changes and changes in ecological processes in barrier islands and has been involved in an international EWN initiative to develop engineering guidelines for Natural and Nature Based Features such as submerged aquatic vegetation, oyster and coral reefs, and coastal upland plant communities. Dr. Altman has experience with monitoring and adaptive management of coastal restoration and natural infrastructure projects and serves as a subject matter expert to support USACE Headquarters on coral reef ecology.
Engineering With Nature® is the intentional alignment of natural and engineering processes to efficiently and sustainably deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits through collaboration.