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EWN Publications

Engineering With Nature: Advancing System Resilience and Sustainable Development

Dr. Todd S. Bridges, Ph.D., Cynthia Banks, Monica Chasten, and Stephen Rochette
February 29, 2016

About This Publication

The Military Engineer

In the January-February 2016 issue of The Military Engineer which is published by the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), Engineering With Nature (EWN) is featured on page 52. The article is titled “Engineering With Nature: Advancing System Resilience and Sustainable Development”. Authors included Dr. Todd Bridges, Cynthia Banks (both of U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center), Monica Chasten and Stephen Rochette (both of USACE Philadelphia District). SAME is the premier professional military engineering association in the United States. One of SAME’s values is to preserve, protect, conserve and restore our national resources through sustainable practices.