Nature-based solutions for leveed river corridors

The conceptual framework for nature-based solutions (NbS) is well developed, however realizing the potential of NbS at scale and in widespread professional practice in infrastructure systems depends on overcoming operational challenges rooted in the historical policies and engineering practices of the action agencies capable of implementation. In this article, we explore levee setbacks as a […]
Advancing Engineering With Nature initiatives in Point Hope, Alaska

Growing environmental risk threatens communities in cold regions, particularly as climate change contributes to permafrost thaw, a reduction in sea-ice extent, and some of the largest rates of coastal erosion on earth. In the context of these significant and growing risks, the Engineering With Nature® (EWN®) program formed its cold regions work unit in 2021 […]
Guidelines for how to approach thin-layer placement projects

A tool for the managing dredge material that simultaneously maintains navigation channels, supports wetland ecological function, and provides flood risk management benefits.
Wrack placement to augment constructed dunes: A field investigation

Natural and nature-based features have become increasingly popular in recent years for several reasons including reduced costs and maintenance, sustainability, and ecological benefits. One such nature-based feature which contributes to coastal resiliency is dune systems. Extensive research shows that dune systems provide great value for coastal protection, with vegetation and belowground biomass emerging as crucial […]
Causal Discovery for Feature Selection in Physical Process-Based Hydrological Systems

Physical process-based hydrological models are widely adopted to simulate the water quantity or quality. One of the most commonly used hydrological models is Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). SWAT models for a large watershed can have over tens of thousands of Hydrological Resource Units (HRUs) which necessitates considerable computational resources. One way to speed […]
Jointly advancing infrastructure and biodiversity conservation

Infrastructure development and biodiversity conservation are often planned and executed in isolation. However, outcomes from these efforts are interlinked, with coordinated actions required to jointly address sustainability challenges. Natural infrastructure — encompassing a spectrum of natural to conventional solutions — is key to the infrastructure–biodiversity connection and should be brought into large-scale application.
Nature Based Solutions for Department of the Navy in the Desert Southwest

This report highlights the unique challenges and opportunities for utilizing NBS at Department of Defense (DoD) installations in the Desert Southwest. The proposed solutions highlighted in this report use NBS to harness the power of nature to support mission sustainment and resilience in the harsh, arid climate of the Desert Southwest. At the same time, […]
What evidence exists on the ecological and physical effects of built structures in shallow, tropical coral reefs? A systematic map protocol

Background: Shallow, tropical coral reefs face compounding threats from habitat degradation due to coastal development and pollution, impacts from storms and sea-level rise, and pulse disturbances like blast fishing, mining, dredging, and ship groundings that reduce coral reefs’ height and variability. One approach toward restoring coral reef structure from these threats is deploying built structures. […]
Proceedings from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 2021 Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Virtual Workshop

Engineering With Nature proudly co-hosted the inaugural Beneficial Use of Dredged Material Workshop, which aimed to address challenges hindering increased beneficial use (BU) of dredged material within the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The workshop brought together representatives from USACE divisions, districts, and research programs. Key topics of discussion included the current state of […]
The Use of Native Vegetation for Structural Stability in Dredged Material Placement Areas: A Case Study of Beneficial Use Site 4A, Chocolate Bayou, Brazoria County, Texas

This technical note is the third in a series about using native plant communities to enhance dredge material placement areas (DMPAs), confined disposal facilities (CDFs), and projects where dredged sediments are used for various engineering purposes. DMPAs and CDFs occur in numerous locations spanning different geographic locations nationwide. Oftentimes, these containment dikes are constructed using […]