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Active Research project

Nutrient Dynamics of the Beneficial Use of Dredged Sediment

Project Information

Wetlands provide a variety of valuable ecosystem services such as storm surge reduction, floodwater attenuation, and water quality improvement. Engineering With Nature (EWN) projects that beneficially use dredged sediment to restore or create coastal wetlands have the potential to improve nutrient dynamics and resiliency within the coastal environment through the 1) restoration and creation of coastal landforms and 2) formation of mineral associated organic matter (MAOM), which is protected from chemical and physical degradation. This project addresses knowledge data gaps related to nutrient dynamics and resiliency in EWN® projects and will increase the capacity to design and manage EWN projects for maximal benefits. Soil samples from restored/constructed and unaltered wetlands will be analyzed and compared to understand the long-term C outcomes of projects utilizing dredged sediment. Results will help estimate the outcomes of USACE beneficial use projects and increase coastal wetland resiliency through the design, implementation, and adaptive management of future EWN initiatives.

Value to the Nation

Building Coastal Resilience through Wetland Restoration

EWN research was highlighted in the USACE Civil Works Value to the Nation publication. Read more about how wetland restoration supports the USACE R&D Priorities.



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Mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) is one pool of SOM recently shown to protect s...

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Point of Contact

Research Soil Scientist, Environmental Laboratory, ERDC

Research Biologist, Environmental Laboratory, ERDC


Research News

At the 7 February 2024 Society of Wetlands Scientists Biogeochemistry Section Webinar, Anthony Mirabito, a Ph.D. cand...
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The Network for Engineering With Nature® (EWN) invites you to the N-EWN Knowledge Series: A Continuing Education...

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