Since the enactment of Section 204 of the 1992 Water Resources Development Act and subsequent amendments, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has progressively used dredge material beneficially for myriad of uses ranging from construction and agriculture activities to the creation and enhancement of entire ecosystems as well as remedial activities such as beach nourishment and contamination mitigation. However, documentation of BUDM efforts is not coordinated among USACE districts and at this time there is no centralized repository for BUDM project information. Thus, it is difficult to evaluate the breadth and evolution of USACE-BUDM efforts and synthesize data to inform project planning and development. This research strives to develop a centralized and user-friendly repository for USACE-sponsored BUDM project information that will be integrated into the Engineering with Nature web-map viewer (EWN ProMap) and be made available for download.