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EWN Research

Research Status: Active

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This research will complement and build on a DOTS Activity funded in FY21. The DOTS project assessed breeding bird phenology on six dredged material islands and two open disposal areas in Baptiste Collette Bayou, Loui...
Using dredged sediment beneficially is an important component of USACE’s dredged material management strategy, which ultimately aims to achieve 70% beneficial use (BU) on an annual basis by 2030. Despite many past suc...
Acequias are small irrigation diversions and earthen conveyances utilized by the tribal communities, among others, predominantly in northern New Mexico.  Communal irrigation practices have been utilized by Indige...
Location of Deer Island and photos showing construction of the southern shoreline (from EWN Podcast (2021) and Gerhardt Smith et al. (2015)) Deer Island, a spindle-shaped 4.5-mile long island, is an extension of th...
Forest ecosystems are complex environments that fulfill multiple benefits as well as provide essential habitat for many threatened, endangered, and at-risk species (TER-S). These ecosystems provide watershed protectio...
Ashantilly shoreline before (left) and after (right) establishment of a living shoreline project by GA Department of Natural Resources using oysters and vegetation. Currently, living shorelines are promoted nation...
Recent high lake levels have exposed the widespread vulnerability of the Great Lakes coastline. Increasingly frequent flooding and erosion cause property damage, endanger lives, and disrupt local economies. Natural an...
Submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) habitats provide a variety of important ecosystem services, including fish habitat, nutrient sequestration, and protection from currents and waves. Some research suggests that open-w...
This project will identify opportunities for beneficial use of dredged material (BUDM) within the GA and SC portions of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW).  The project will develop a BUDM site selection t...
This project will develop an EWN® River Class on current best practices and novel ways to design and align waterways.  The class will introduce EWN® principles to traditional river engineering design that will re...
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