The Network for Engineering With Nature brought together researchers from the University of Florida and the Engineer Research and Development Center to evaluate ecological drivers of dune stability to better inform restoration design and coastal dune management guidance. The two organizations will synergize field experiments, observational surveys, physical modeling, and numerical modeling.

The workshop was held at the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve (GTM Research Reserve) in St. Augustine, Florida. Participants addressed research tasks, communication plans, stakeholder engagement and site visits to test new instrumentation for a larger field effort planned for early summer.

The University of Florida has developed strong relationships with their local partners and stakeholders in Northeast Florida and as such has had the opportunity to investigate a unique, spatially diverse coastline. Through this partnership, UF and ERDC are combining both resources and expertise to execute state-of-the-art coastal research geared at improving our understanding of natural coastal systems to better inform beach restoration and nourishment guidance. Additionally, through this collaborative effort, students are given the opportunity to work side by side with ERDC researchers, generating opportunities for future careers at ERDC and in the USACE and creating a recipe for success for future recruitment.
For more information about this research contact, Leigh Provost,