N-EWN Team Relocates a Live Dune Segment for Laboratory Investigation

The EWN research team from the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), together with partners from the Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN), in coordination with local agencies, has undertaken a groundbreaking study to investigate the ecological drivers of dune stability. This research will improve our understanding of the role of natural vegetation in dune […]
Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN) Inaugural Partner’s Symposium

The inaugural Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN) Partner’s Symposium, held from May 22-24, 2024, in St. Augustine, Florida, successfully brought together over 170 attendees from 28 partner organizations, marking a milestone for the Network. This gathering facilitated more complete introductions across partner organizations who shared knowledge to advance the adoption of nature-based solutions (NBS) […]
EWN Researchers Conduct Full-Scale Investigation to Characterize Dune Geophysical Properties

Dunes are one of many natural features that provide a critical line of defense from coastal storms while also providing habitat and often recreation possibilities. This research project is characterizing the diverse range of geomorphic and geotechnical properties associated with natural, restored, and highly engineered dunes in Northeast Florida. The 5-site field study conducted in […]
EWN and University of Florida Researchers Characterize Dune Geophysical Properties

In May 2023, Drs. Justin Shawler and Brian Harris (ERDC-CHL) led a pilot field study in partnership with collaborators at the University of Florida (UF) to investigate dune geophysical properties. This research, led by Leigh Provost (ERDC-CHL) as part of the Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN), focuses on sand dune restoration strategies and the […]
Synergizing to Understand Ecological Drivers of Coastal Dune Stability

The Network for Engineering With Nature brought together researchers from the University of Florida and the Engineer Research and Development Center to evaluate ecological drivers of dune stability to better inform restoration design and coastal dune management guidance. The two organizations will synergize field experiments, observational surveys, physical modeling, and numerical modeling. The workshop was […]