In a recent spotlight, The Military Engineer magazine (TME) brings attention to Engineering With Nature (EWN) research evaluating the potential of reforestation as a key component of the Department of Defense (DOD) Climate Adaptation Plan.

The article on page 42 of the magazine, emphasizes the importance of carbon storage and sequestration as part of climate change mitigation strategies. By strategically planting trees and restoring forests, these lands continue to fulfill their operational objectives while actively contributing to carbon reduction goals.
To access the article and delve deeper into the topic of reforestation and carbon storage within the EWN framework, readers can read the full article, Technology News: Evaluating Reforestation by Nathan Beane, Ph.D., US Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
By integrating natural processes into military and USACE operations, EWN continues to demonstrate the potential for innovative and sustainable approaches that simultaneously address mission requirements and provide social, environmental, and economic benefits.