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February 8, 2023

EWN Researchers Present to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory

30 January 2023. EWN researchers Molly Reif, Dr. Glenn Suir, and Christina Saltus, all of the ERDC Environmental Laboratory’s (EL’s) Geospatial Data Analysis Team, presented on-going remote sensing research at a Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Applied Earth Science Forum attended by 50 from NASA.  

The virtual presentation covered an overview of the EWN Initiative as well as project goals, the technical approach, case studies, and a methodological workflow example.  The workflow showcased spatially explicit metrics and methods specific to wetland creation from Beneficial Use of Dredged Material (BUDM) and hydrologic restoration.  The discussion highlighted areas for collaboration potential, such as opportunities to utilize NASA data sources and data development specifically aligned to the EWN project life cycle.  

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Meetings with the NASA JPL will continue to ensure that the work maximizes NASA data assets and application potential.  

For more information about the project, please visit: Comprehensive Framework for Incorporating Remote Sensing Methodologies into Engineering With Nature Design and Application.


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