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April 24, 2023

An Earth Day Tour by Assistant Secretary of the Army to an EWN Proving Ground – USACE Mobile District

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To celebrate Earth Day and highlight the outstanding USACE efforts to expand benefits by aligning natural and engineering processes, the honorable Mr. Michael L. Conner, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, visited the USACE Mobile District to view coastal Engineering With Nature projects.

The visit included meetings with stakeholders and partners along the Mississippi and Alabama coastline. They highlighted ongoing EWN efforts and demonstrated the necessity and impact of successful partnerships to ensure successful and innovative projects that provide economic, environmental, and social benefits to coastal communities.

Dauphin Island Beach.
Mr. Conner is briefed on EWN projects at USACE Mobile District, an EWN proving ground.
Meeting with Alabama and Mississippi Partners at Mobile Bay.

the USACE Mobile District, an Engineering With Nature Proving Ground, showcased several EWN efforts along the Gulf Coast that include ERDC partnership within Mobile’s Coastal Resiliency Program. Some of these efforts include the Deer Island Ecosystem Restoration Project, the Coast-wide Beach and Dune Ecosystem Restoration Projects, and the Little Dauphin Island Restoration Assessment, projects that provide not only coastal resilience, but also environmental benefits.

Dr. Safra Altman Receiving Challenge Coin from ASA Mr. Michael Connor on Deer Island

EWN researchers from the Engineer Research and Development Center discussed the importance of sound science, data collection, monitoring and adaptive management within EWN projects.

Dr. Safra Altman was presented with a coin from ASA Mr. Connor himself as a representative of the EWN Program and for her enthusiasm, technical expertise, and leadership, ensuring the success of multiple Engineering with Nature efforts in support of Mobile District.

This recognition demonstrates the value of research and development in innovative and successful coastal management and restoration efforts. Well done Safra and team!

A Video Message from Mr. Connor

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