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Looking Back | Celebrating Dr. Bridges 30 Year USACE Career

Dr. Todd Bridges, the founder of USACE Engineering With Nature (EWN), retired on 28 February 2023. His bold and enthusiastic vision led USACE and the global community to align natural and engineering processes to achieve broader benefits from water resource projects. Todd’s work, gathering organizations, agencies, and individuals with complementary capabilities, has positioned the EWN […]

The EWN Podcast Celebrates 30k Downloads!

Since its inception in July 2020, the EWN Podcast has surpassed 30k downloads across all episodes and platforms, a new milestone! The podcast started in celebration of the EWN 10th anniversary to engage more people in the practice of EWN, utilizing natural processes to deliver sustainable economic, environmental, and social benefits. The EWN podcast shares […]

WATER ONLINE: U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Leads The Way In Natural Solutions For Coastal Flooding

By JoAnne Castagna, Ed.D. Natural and nature-based engineering features (NNBF) are landscape features combined with conventional engineering features to reduce flood risk. Natural features occur naturally in the landscape, and nature-based features are engineered, constructed, or restored to mimic natural conditions. USACE with collaborators recently released a set of guidelines for how to use natural and […]

EWN Researchers Present to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory

30 January 2023. EWN researchers Molly Reif, Dr. Glenn Suir, and Christina Saltus, all of the ERDC Environmental Laboratory’s (EL’s) Geospatial Data Analysis Team, presented on-going remote sensing research at a Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Applied Earth Science Forum attended by 50 from NASA.   The virtual presentation covered an overview of the EWN Initiative […]

Jacksonville District Hosts ERDC Leaders to Showcase EWN Initiatives

In recent years, one of the most successful initiatives of USACE has been Engineering With Nature®. This international program leverages natural systems and processes to broaden the services, benefits, and value that infrastructure projects contribute to the nation. January 10-12, Dr. David Pittman, director of the Engineer Research and Development Centers (ERDC) along with other […]

Blue Carbon in Natural Infrastructure

By: Molly Bost, Jenny Davis, and Leanne Poussard (NOAA NCCOS) Global carbon emissions have significantly increased in the last century, largely due to industrial processes and the burning of fossil fuels.1 Emissions of carbon and other greenhouse gasses have increased global mean surface temperature, and alarmingly, 2013–2021 rank among the ten warmest years on record.2 […]

Engineering With Nature to Face Down Hurricane Hazards

Written by: Krystyna Powell, Safra Altman and James Marshall Shepherd Natural and nature-based features offer promise for storm-related disaster risk reduction and flood mitigation, as long as researchers can adequately monitor and study them. In this article researchers from the Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN) describe workshop findings on coastal disaster monitoring and the role of natural and […]