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EWN Engagements

NNBF Guidelines Project – Fall 2018

Multi-day Event (September 19-
21, 2018)


Fifth, In-person Technical Meeting of International Working Group Developing Guidelines for Use of Natural and Nature-Based Features: From September 19th – 21st, more than 45 people participated in the fifth, in-person meeting of the International Working Group, being led by USACE, which is developing guidelines for use of Natural and Nature-Based Features (NNBF). The meeting was hosted by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) in Santa Cruz, California at the University of California Santa Cruz’s Coastal Biology Building. Collectively, attendees at this meeting represented 4 different countries and more than 20 different organizations. Dr. Todd Bridges, Senior Research Scientist-US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, and Dr. Mike Beck, Lead Marine Scientist-The Nature Conservancy (TNC), provided opening remarks to the group. This 5-day, in-person meeting was an opportunity to review project progress, advance the development of chapters that will comprise the NNBF Guidelines Document, and select NNBF case studies that will illustrate key concepts within applicable chapters. The meeting also provided valuable input through presentations provided during the working session by Mr. Len Materman, Executive Director-San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority, Ms. Monique Fountain, Tidal Wetland Project Director-Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Reserve, and Dr. Sid Narayan, Research Scientist-University of California Santa Cruz. Following the working session of the meeting, TNC, USACE and UCSC hosted a 1-day NNBF Symposium on September 20th. The meeting concluded on Friday (September 21st) with site visits to the Alviso Ponds, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project (Don Edwards San Francisco National Wildlife Refuge and the San Francisquito Creek Restoration Project Sites. Please see 2018 NNBF Symposium, Santa Cruz, California (Should be an internal link) to learn more about the agenda and presentations associated with the symposium held on September 20th.

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