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February 15, 2024

EWN Workshop Explores 3D Printing with Dredged Sediment for Nature-Inspired Infrastructure

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The recent Engineering With Nature® (EWN) Workshop on 3D Printing Natural Material for Nature-Inspired Infrastructure marked a significant milestone in the quest for innovative solutions for coastal resilience. Held from February 7-8, 2024, in Vicksburg, MS, the workshop brought together a diverse group of experts from government, academia, and private industry to explore the potential of 3D printing with natural materials, including dredged sediment, for habitat restoration and infrastructure development.

Led by Drs. Al Kennedy, Andrew McQueen, and Burton Suedel of the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), the workshop assembled over 37 participants with expertise ranging from material science to landscape architecture. The event aimed to identify barriers and opportunities in scaling up 3D-printed structures using natural materials, aligning EWN principles and US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) infrastructure goals.

Participants engaged in thought-provoking discussions and breakout sessions led by experts in the field. They explored how 3D-printed nature-inspired structures could contribute to flood risk reduction, wave energy dissipation, nutrient sequestration, and habitat restoration. Of particular interest was the use of dredged sediment as a feedstock for printing, aligning with the USACE goal of beneficially reusing dredged sediment.

Establishing a Community of Practice

The workshop laid the groundwork for practical implementation by establishing a community of practice committed to advancing research and development in this area. Short-, mid-, and long-term capability implementation strategies were discussed, setting the stage for future R&D efforts to fill capability gaps and communication through special reports, fact sheets, and podcasts.

The outcomes of the workshop will further catalyze a paradigm shift in how dredged sediment is perceived and utilized. Future products will highlight potential use scenarios and stimulate further technology advancement in coastal resilience. By leveraging the potential of 3D printing with natural materials, the workshop sets the stage for transformative changes in how we approach habitat restoration and infrastructure development in coastal areas.

Related Podcasts: The Engineering With Nature Podcast S5 E1 – ERDC Labs Collaborating On Leading Edge 3D Printing Nature-Based Solutions

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