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Engineering With Nature

International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management

The International Guidelines on NNBF for Flood Risk Management provide practitioners with the best available information concerning the conceptualization, planning, design, engineering, construction, and maintenance of NNBF to support resilience and flood risk reduction for coastlines, bays, and estuaries, as well as river and freshwater systems.

NNBF Guidelines

International Excellence

In June 2022, the Environment Agency’s Flood and Coast Excellence Awards recognized the International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management as the winner in International Excellence. The annual awards ceremony provides a fantastic opportunity to promote the recent work individuals and teams have done to manage flood and coastal risk, build local flood resilience.

NNBF Guidelines

Available for Download


To request a hard copy of the Overview, please fill out the EWN Book Order Form.

International Guidelines on NNBF for Flood Risk Management

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International Guidelines on NNBF for Flood Risk Management Overview

Please share your name, organization, and email so we can keep you informed about future development of the guidelines.

NNBF Guidelines

A Celebration

The virtual launch event was held Thursday, 16 September to collectively celebrate the monumental accomplishment and availability of the Guidelines on NNBF for Flood Risk Management. The event was live-streamed on YouTube with over 700 live viewers. The program included remarks by Dr. Todd Bridges, messages from guest speakers at partnering organizations around the world, and a panel discussion with individuals who helped author the guidelines.

NNBF Guidelines

Launch Event

Keynote Address


  • Hans Pietersen, Rijkswaterstaat, The Netherlands
  • Maria Dillard, National Institute for Standards and Technology, USA
  • Candice Piercy, US Army Corps of Engineers, USA
  • Jo Guy, Environment Agency, UK
  • Steve Thur, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA
  • Lizzy McLeod, The Nature Conservancy, USA
  • Brenden Jongman, World Bank
NNBF Guidelines

Questions and Answers

The Guidelines are organized so that readers can begin where their interests lie; there was no expectation that someone would start on page one and read each chapter in order until the end. Given the conceptual connections and relationships among the topics covered in the chapters, the chapters were developed in a collaborative environment where there was communication and engagement across chapter teams. Each chapter begins with a list of its key, high-level messages, includes references to other chapters and uses icons and case studies to draw attention to key topics covered elsewhere in the Guidelines. Additionally, there is a shorter Overview publication with the same design and use of icons to introduce each of the chapters in 3-5 pages by highlighting key messages.

The process of developing these Guidelines began in 2016 with the first in-person meeting of the project at the US Army’s Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, Mississippi.

Yes. The community that jointly developed the Guidelines is resolved to update them, as necessary, as technical work, experience, publications, and applications of NNBF continue to grow.

NNBF Guidelines

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