Human Well-Being, Equity, and Nature-Based Solutions: Assessing Opportunities for Engineering with Nature® Project Planning and Implementation
Presented by Ellis Kalaidjian [Oak Ridge Institute for Science & Education], Margaret Kurth [Environmental Laboratory (EL), US Army Engineer Research & Development Center (ERDC)], Stephanie Galaitsi [EL-ERDC], and Elissa Yeates [Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, ERDC]
Island Creation and Stabilization Review and AdH Modeling to Develop Best Practices, Design Criteria, and Recommendations for Large Navigable River Island and Secondary Channel Management
On March 23, 2022, Chuck Theiling (ERDC-EL), along with Tim Lauth (USACE-MVS), Eddie Brauer (USACE-MVS), and Gaurav Savant (ERDC-CHL) presented this project overview to the Upper Mississippi River Conservation Committee/Lower Mississippi River Conservation Committee Annual Meeting. It outlines problems presented by channelization, strategies to develop, maintain and restore geomorphic function, and the project objectives—exploration of […]
Testing and Visualizing Natural and Nature-Based Features for Two Watersheds Using the GSSHA Model
On August 2, 2023, Kaile Johnson and Ronnisha Davis from the Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory showcased multiple watershed management scenarios. These scenarios integrate natural and nature-based features (NNBF) such as wetlands and artificial beaver dams into two GSSHA watershed models. The briefing illustrates the spectrum of management options and […]
Engineering With Nature® (EWN) Toolkit for ERDC’s Coastal Storm Modeling System (CSTORM) Numerical Modeling
This poster presentation discusses the problem of representing Natural and Nature-Based Features in numerical model setups and the objective of creating a modeling framework for quantifying the performance and added resiliency benefits of EWN features; it also provides an overview of the EWN CSTORM Modeling Toolkit, which was developed to address this need.
Modeling applications and BU opportunities to expand SAV habitats
Inside the Castle Talks Engineering With Nature
In this episode, Inside the Castle sits down with Dr. Todd Bridges, founder and national lead of the Engineering with Nature Program; Ms. Julie Beagle, Environmental Planning Section Chief for the San Francisco District; and Ms. Danielle Szimanski, Ecologist and former Project Manager at Baltimore District. Listen in to learn how the Corps using innovative […]