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February 16, 2023

Project Update: Reservoir Sedimentation and Sustainability at Nolan River Lake, USACE Louisville District (LRL)

(Left): Longitudinal Peaked Stone Toe Protection (LPSTP) project shortly after construction in 2017. (Right): Sediment infilling and natural revegetation in the areas behind the LPSTP in January 2023.

Researchers from the ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), the Environmental Laboratory (EL), and personnel from the USACE Louisville District (LRL) Nolan River Lake participated in site visits the week of 30 January 2023 to assess existing shoreline protection efforts and adaptive management. They also planned new project sites. 

This work unit is assessing both shoreline protection and potential habitat enhancements. The broader range of benefits includes sediment reduction and aquatic habitat. The image above captures unplanted, natural revegetation and bank stabilization since the construction of the Point project in 2017.

Read more about Reservoir Sedimentation and Sustainability with NNBF .


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